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(15 items) 1 page

Export Pilsener Malt

3 to 4 EBC.

Traditional Ale Malt

5.5 to 7.0 EBC.

Organic Pilsener Malt

3 - 4 EBC

Vienna Malt

6 to 10 EBC.

Light Munich Malt

12 to 20 EBC.

Dark Munich Malt

25 to 35 EBC.


40 to 60 EBC

Crystal Malt

115 to 145 EBC.

Dark Crystal Malt

250 to 300 EBC.

Amber Malt

30 to 60 EBC.

Chocolate Malt

500 to 800 EBC.

Roasted Malt

1200 to 1500 EBC.

Roast Barley

1100 to 1400 EBC

Wheat Malt

3.5 EBC Maximum.

Crystal Wheat

100 to 150 EBC.
(15 items) 1 page