Welcome to The Brewers Den
The shop caters for a variety of tastes, with kits including Australian and imported beers, wines, ciders, ginger beers, soft-drinks and essences including spirits and liqueurs. We have a very extensive range of over eighty beers and more than two hundred and seventy different flavour essences!
Please note we were NOT closing on the 25th of January as some people seem to think.
We WILL be open for another couple of months depending on stock left.
Announcing a 20% to 50% OFF SALE !! As they say, all stock must go!!
NEW Trading Hours are: CLOSED MONDAYS other days trading as normal
Pete and Lori
Please be advised that our website is still in the process of being modified and will not be accessible for a short while.
Please ring the shop on 97611900 to place all orders as some prices are incorrect due to supply issues.
We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. We hope to be back online soon.
Pete and Lori
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! The Brewers Den is for sale!!
Pete is finally retiring. He's been talking about it for years but has now made the decision. :-)
Please feel free to drop in and chat with Pete or alternatively call him on 97611900
In the meantime, business as usual.
Thank you for your patronage.
Regular Trading hours:
Tuesday to Friday 8.30 am to 5.00 pm
Saturday 8.30 am to 1.00 pm
Cheers and beers
Peter and Lori